About hag

About hag

In the woods so dark and deep, a crooked spinster spins a spell… Working with an anthology of Rosie Hart’s poetry, “hag” brings together the verbal and the visual in this dynamic film exploring the theme of witches. When a woman steps outside of her prescribed role she becomes a target. 400 years ago. 1 year ago. Today. In a fusion of old and new, nature and bustling city streets we see these women. Witch hunts didn’t focus on the powerful. They persecuted some of society's most marginal members for being outspoken, ambitious or not well liked. “hag” looks at witchcraft and how perceptions of old still resonate today. We invite you on this journey with us from Central Glasgow to the steely grey ruins of Mugdoc castle. Grab your cup of tea, take a breath and follow us.

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